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Work Related Stress & Burnout
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Work Related Stress & Burnout

Do you recognise any of these symptoms?

  • Feeling irritable, or argumentative about tiny things
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Worrying constantly
  • Headaches
  • Feeling exhausted but unable to sleep

You can reduce these symptoms of stress by making small changes in your life.

Burnout and work related stress can have a massive impact on you…

Physically, emotionally and mentally, but it can also impact your relationships with family and partners as well as your career.

We will look at what is happening in your life, work on ways to turn down work or say no to colleagues. We will also look at relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help in reducing the worrying and get you on the path of recovery.

Our work together will be to achieve a work/life balance where you feel more in control and happier.